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The Fog of Peace and War Planning: Military Strategic Planning under Uncertainty (2006) By Talbot C. Imlay & Monica D. Toft


This book brings together 12 specialists in Australian foreign policy and regional affairs who critically review the new regional security agenda in the Asia-Pacific of the 1990s. As Australia considers its approach to regional security, there are few familiar landmarks to guide its policy. The end of the Cold War is not only transforming the political landscape in the region; it also poses a fundamental challenge to the principal assumptions that have governed the Australian approach to regional security for the past 40 years. In particular, the demise of the Soviet Union as a perceived threat creates a completely new security agenda for Australia's policy-makers. Is this new agenda to be seen as simply constituting a new set of potential threats and dangers, and possible alliances and arrangements, or does it pose a fundamental question about the framework itself - about how "regional security" is conceptualized in Australian policy?


To what extent has Australia's recently developed, relatively self-reliant, defence capacity liberated Australia's regional security doctrine?


To what extent can it now serve other foreign policy objectives?


The Australian government's response to such questions is contained in a ministerial statement on Australia's regional security, released in December 1989. The complete text of this original document is reproduced here. In it, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator Gareth Evans, advocates new doctrines of "comprehensive engagement" with Southeast Asia and "constructive commitment" with the South Pacific.


"Australia's Regional Security" aims to be a valuable source, for both students and specialists in international relations, strategic studies, security issues and Australian foreign policy. This book is intended for students and researchers in foreign policy and defence studies, as well as Asia-Pacific scholars.


Table of Contents: Australia's regional security doctrine - old assumptions, new challenges, Greg Fry. Part 1 General perspectives: a general response, J.D.B. Miller; of voices, visions and texts, Nancy Viviani; "the shock of the new" and the habits of the past, Richard Leaver; multidimensional security - a contribution to the conceptual debate, Joanne Crawford. Part 2 The regional security environment: the Southeast Asia dimension, David Jenkins; the regional security environment - South Pacific, Edward Wolfers. Part 3 The policy response: the military dimensions of Australia's regional security posture, Graeme Cheeseman; Australia's regional security - old wine in new bottles, Joseph Camilleri. Part 4 Regional security doctrine: comprehensive engagement and Australia's regional security interests in Southeast Asia, Andrew MacIntyre; constructive commitment with the South Pacific - Monroe Doctrine or new partnership?


  • Soft Cover
  • 221 Pages
  • In Good Condition

Australia's Regional Security (1991) By Greg Fry

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