1427 Battle of Maclodio: Carmagnola's Venetians defeat the Milanese under Carlo Malatesta
1502 Aided by Leonardo da Vinci's siege engines, Cesare Borgia takes Fossombrone, in the Romagna, amid great slaughter, but elsewhere his treacherous lieutenant Vitellozzo Vitelli seizes Castel Durante, initiating a widespread revolt against the Borgia
1776 Battle of Valcour I.: American squadron under Benedict Arnold halts the British on Lake Champlain
1797 Battle of Camperdown: Royal Navy defeats the Dutch
1811 Battle of Arroyo dos Molinos: Lord Hill's Anglo-Spanish forces rout the French
1860 The Irish 69th NY Militia refuses to parade for the Prince of Wales
1861 Battle of Dumfries/Quantico Creek, Va
1862 J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry sacks Chambersburg, Pa.
1899 Responding to an ultimatum from both the Transvaal and Orange Free State, Britain declares war on the Boers.
1915 Bulgarians initiate an offensive against Serbia
1922 Turkey & Greece sign a ceasefire, ending Greece's attempt to conquer Asia Minor
1942 Battle of Cape Esperance: US cruisers and destroyers ambush the "Tokyo Express"
1943 USS 'Wahoo' (SS 238) sunk by Japanese aircraft in La Perouse Strait.1
944 Japan announces it will "fight to the last man, woman, child, weapon, and piece of equipment."
1945 Chinese civil war begins: Chiang Kai-Shek vs. Mao Tse-Tung
1961 USAF Major Robert M White takes X-15 to 66,100 m
1962 "McHale's Navy" premiers on ABC, runs for four seasons
1982 HMS 'Mary Rose' is raised from the bottom of Portsmouth harbor, where she sank in 1545