Discover the latest Tally Ho Chap Store news in our latest Dispatches in the link below...shoutout.wix.comTally Ho Chap Dispatches (20 December)Happy Christmas Chaps. Just wanted to let you all know that we will be taking a small break over the Xmas/New year period as I take a bit of downtime from the store and rejuvenate with a few good books to finally finish reading. As we look back on the past year the website data states that we have had traffic from over 130 different countries with the top five countries being: Australia United Kingdom United States New Zealand Netherlands Closer to home it has been great to catch up with visitors to the store and engage as Chaps share their passions of Military History. Such a passion that I am discovering has such a breadth attached to it and regardless of your nationality, there is a connection to everyone. Enjoy what's in your stockings this Christmas and don't forget to ask Santa to drop in a few Tally Ho Chap Gift Cards that you can spend in our new year sale... Tally Ho!